Our customer service is closed on Friday 24 May 2024. Urgent defect notifications should be called to the on-call service number 09 5767 3100.

During the tenancy

Saat vinkkejä kodin kunnossapitoon, ekofiksuun asumiseen ja sujuvaan arkeen kotona. Neuvomme myös miten toimia erilaisissa asumista koskevissa sopimus- ja muutostilanteissa.

Do you live in a Heka As Oy apartment?

Heka’s As Oy apartments (housing company apartments) are individual apartments located in housing companies in different parts of Helsinki. They were transferred to Heka from Asuntohankinta in 2022. Residents of As Oy apartments have separate guidelines for their housing and managing their affairs with Heka.

Read the housing guidelines for As Oy residents