Our customer service is closed on Friday 24 May 2024. Urgent defect notifications should be called to the on-call service number 09 5767 3100.

Price list

See the prices for our services, such as cutting new keys and opening doors. Also see our sauna and parking space fees.

Prices include 24% VAT, unless otherwise stated.

Heka damage price list

The resident will not be charged for the normal wear and tear of the apartment. The damages price list is based on the equal treatment of residents: the costs arising from damages and negligence are the responsibility of the party causing them. If there is a need to extend the repair work (e.g. due to technical building reasons or costs reasons), the resident will only be charged for their own share. The resident will have the option of repairing the damages caused for the apartment independently or they can get someone else to repair them. The repairing obligation ends once a representative of a local Heka company has accepted the measures taken. No alteration works can be ordered from Heka, which means that this price list cannot be applied to having alteration work done.

Repairs not included in the above itemised repairs list will be charged to the resident in accordance with the actual costs. For example, rekey changes and additional keys, an external HPAC and electricity or TV installer, etc.