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Data protection in resident activities

Tips for maintaining data protection in resident activities.

Processing personal data

Each resident democracy body is responsible for ensuring that it processes personal data appropriately. Heka is not responsible for the processing of personal data that takes place within the resident democracy bodies.   

The residents’ rights activist who keeps the personal data for the resident democracy body is responsible for ensuring that the personal data are stored carefully and only for purposes related to resident activities. Data such as contact information may not be disclosed to outsiders without consent or other legal grounds.  

Materials containing personal data must be disposed of in a secure manner. 

The resident democracy body itself decides how the secure storage of personal data or documents containing personal data is organised. Materials containing personal data must not be left, for example, on a club room table or in a public place. Materials containing personal data must be disposed of in a secure manner.  

Contact information must not be disclosed to outsiders without consent or other legal grounds. 

Resident committee contact information 

The resident committee (formerly the building committee) decides the extent to which the information of the resident committee will be presented on the stairway notice board. Heka recommends that the names, apartment numbers and at least one contact method (phone number or email address) of the members of the resident committee be published on the notice board so that the residents of the building know whom to contact, if necessary.  

The resident committee should have a joint email address that can be published on the notice board so that residents can use it to contact the committee (for example: vmynnimi.ttk@gmail.com).  

The publication of the contact information of the resident committee members requires the written consent of each member. 

If the resident committee decides to publish the contact information of its members on a notice board or website, written consent from each resident committee member is required before the information can be published. The resident committee is responsible for obtaining and storing the written consent. A resident committee member may withdraw consent at any time, in which case the published contact information must be removed.  

Residents’ rights activists may choose to disclose their contact information with other Heka residents’ rights activists.  

Resident committee minutes 

The resident committee minutes are meant to be read by others, which means that the information to be published in the minutes should be considered carefully. The resident committee minutes may not include the personal data of an individual resident of the building or matters concerning the individual resident.   

Personal data of an individual resident may not be published in the resident committee minutes. 

The minutes of the residents’ meeting must be published without a list of participants. The minutes to be published can contain information on how many residents attended the meeting. In cases where participants act in positions of trust, the participants can be published in the resident committee minutes.  

Hekalaiset.fi website 

The personal data on the Hekalaiset.fi website are the responsibility of the residents’ rights activists. Heka is not responsible for the information on the website. Displaying personal data on the website is a form of disclosing personal data electronically and requires the written consent of the residents’ rights activist.  

Further information on data protection 

Please refer to the guidelines on the processing of personal data published by the data protection authority. You can find up-to-date guidelines on the website of the data protection authority: www.tietosuoja.fi

Heka is responsible for the processing of the personal data of residents’ rights activists when Heka pays attendance money or uses the activists’ contact information in matters related to resident activities. Heka collects all the necessary personal data using a separate personal data form, which is filled in by the residents’ rights activist.

See our Heka privacy policy.